Thursday, April 15, 2010


"Peter's mother put her arm around him suddenly, and
hugged him in silence for a minute.
Then she said:
'Don't you think it's rather nice to think that we're in
a book that God's writing? If I were writing a book, I might make mistakes.
But God knows how to make the story end just right--in the way that is best for us.'"

Taken from The Railway Children by E. Nesbit
page 243

I love a good read. I am especially touched when a book intersects with what God is teaching me . This passage from the Railway Children spoke loudly to me this week. You see, I have been thinking a lot about how stories connect us to others, make us real, and can have a powerful influence upon others.

Mostly though, I'm grateful that the author and perfecter of my story knows me well enough to pen a story that is just right for me. (Hebrews 12:2) There are a few things I would personally edit, but the power of a good book is that all the good and bad work together in the end.

What about you, read any good books lately that spoke loudly to you? Leave a comment below and tell us what story captured you heart and why. And be sure to stop by tomorrow for The Friday Five.

Looking Forward,

P.S. Holley at Dayspring has an amazing series about the Story of our Lives. She blogs at Heart to Heart with Holley. You can follow along with this 21 day challenge by clicking here.


  1. So excited to make stories with you at Relevant and when I get to meet you in May!

    This post is wonderful. Everyday we add another few pages to our book of life. I am so grateful to "that the author and perfecter of my story knows me well enough to pen a story that is just right for me."

    Thanks for sharing this with us this morning!

  2. I just love that quote!! It's true that we serve a God who knows the perfect ending to all of our stories!! Awesome!! =)

  3. I love this opportunity to tell that , as my children became older, I read them "Education of Little Tree" by Forrest Carter. I cannot make it through this book without crying every time.

    An absolutely beautiful read for those 12 and over.

  4. Hey, Stacey. Thanks for mentioning Heart to Heart, which also lead me to (in)courage. I now have two new blogs to read... ;-) I enjoy your posts; keep 'em coming!

