Thursday, January 28, 2010

Who Shares Your Story?

I have been participating in a 21 day challenge through Dayspring and Heart to Heart with Holley. Today she is having a link party and asking us to share our favorite post from the week! I love this one from Wednesday January 27 called Who Shares Your Story? You can read it here:

Here is my comment in a nutshell:

"I love the way you describe the 3 types of relationships we have. Currently I feel like most of my relationships are at the Functioning Level because of my season in life. I have a newborn and I am the one merely functioning! I recently told a someone that I feel as though I am not fully present in any of my conversations. Have you ever felt that way? Mine is due to being extremely tired at the very core of my soul. Physically, mentally and spiritually just slap worn out! Heart level relationships take being purposeful, and a commitment to being known. I love these and need them in my life, but I do think I am in a season where I am just not capable of maintaining that too well. Thankfully, most of people in my life understand that about me."

So, how about you? Who shares your story? Who would you like to go deeper with? Are you challenged as you read this to pursue a friendship or let down your walls to let another person know you?

Leave me a comment below and tell me what you think!
Looking Forward,


  1. Enjoyed your post this morning. Wish I had more time to poke around here but I'll likely be back as I'm taking the challenge too :)

  2. Oh boy do I remember those newborn days! I think it took 30 days for the "fog" to lift and another 30 days to begin to feel normal (in my abnormal sort of way). It takes a few months to get your routine of not having one to finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. It does lift. You will reconnect. This is your time for rest and care (both you and baby). Enjoy it or just sleep on it!

  3. this is a great post - especially timing in my life. I am seeking authentic relationships - rather than a bunch of functioning even personal fluff that can not handle "weight". My life has been a bit too weighty - and I can't allow myself to surround my heart with fake, even though fake is comfortable and safe. It's too lonely.

  4. Stacey,

    Motherhood is a journey all of its own. There is life after diapers though! But for my family it's called "music lessons"! (grin) So good to be walking with you on this journey.

    Cindy Lou

  5. I understand where you are at with not being able to go deeper in relationships with the newborn season. Your lucky if you get a shower, I'm guessing. I'm currently working on going deeper in some of the relationships around me :)

  6. Hi Stacey,
    I am so happy to meet you. We are traveling this road together - at very different seasons of life. I am a grandmother with an empty nest these days - seeking what the Lord has for me to do now.
    I remember very well being in the place you are right now. It seems eternally long at the moment, but it really does go by so quickly. I can't believe how quickly the years have flown by. I remember my Mom telling me, when I was struggling with all that comes with a newborn, "He will be three months old before you know it and sleeping through the night." My thought was - I won't live that long!
    But I did and that baby has five children of his own.
    Get as much rest as you can - sleep while the baby is sleeping. All the rest can wait. Before you know it, it will all be under control - honest :-)

  7. Thanks so much for linking up, Stacey! It seems we all go through different seasons in our relationships...I appreciated that reminder. And I feel even more honored to connect with you on my blog knowing how little time you have!

  8. Dear Stacey,
    Thank you for your encouragement today. Girl, I watched the DVD! And tomorrow, I might actually participate in the DVD.
    What a blessing this challenge has been...and we've only just begun.

    ~Congratulations on that new baby.

    "Manna for the Journey"
