Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chair Time

"Quiet Time. The term is vital, descriptive of the very manner in which we receive an in-flooding of the Lord's life..."
"We must have a fresh in-flooding of life for soul and body too, or we will dry up and be like deserts in a desert."
"The real question, however is this: Where are we to find our fresh springs of life?"
(from You Are My Hiding Place by Amy Carmichael)

I long for a quiet place in my life. A place to sit and just be given life for soul and body too. I feel by the end of my very long days, like that desert in a desert. Yet when the horrible sound of the alarm pierces my sleep deprived body I am tempted to ignore it time and time again. Until I realize that if I am to truly make it today with any life left in me, I have to meet Him in our place. The place where I receive the great exchange. I give Him my tired, weary sin sick soul and He breathes fresh life from His ever flowing spring of joy and goodness into me.

"Jesus...cried in a loud voice, "If any man is thirsty, let him come to me and drink! He who believes in me-who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on me-as the Scripture has said, 'Out from his innermost being springs of living water shall continuously flow.'"
John 7:37-38 Amplified

Coming Thirsty,


*Photo credit goes to my husband who found this beautiful mountain spot in the early hours of quiet this past July in Rocky Mountain National Park.

**I'm participating in Prayer and Share with Holley and Tuesday Unwrapped at Chatting At the Sky.

1 comment:

  1. My quiet times seem to be 'lacking' these days. Loved this post.
