Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chair Time

What chair time is really all about...

My 4 year old and her babysitter were playing a game last Wednesday in my big and cozy chair and a half. The sitter said, "This is a great chair, I just love it." My daughter replied, "This is Mommy's chair. My daddy got it for her. It is where she sits and talks to God." A few minutes later she left to go get a toy and said to the sitter, "Stay there, if God talks to you while I'm gone, you should listen."

Oh sweet Lord! I wonder at times if what I'm saying is making a difference. I praise you that my actions speak louder than my words! And Lord, thank you so much for meeting me each morning in this place. May I always be listening for you to speak, because little ears are too.

Looking Forward,


  1. Wow!! Isn't it amazing what sinks in to their little hearts!! So sweet!

  2. I love this! It is so awesome to know that we are making a difference in our girls' lives.

  3. That is GREAT!! What sweet words and what a sweet example you are!! ♥ Michelle

  4. Love this and love your heart! Nice to meet you!
