"And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth." John 1:14Christmas Eve Night
Light the four outside Advent candles, reviewing each letter A-D and what it represents.
Talk about the center candle being the Christ candle. It is in the center because it is special. It stands for
E - Emmanuel which means
God is with us.
Scripture: Matthew 1:23, John 1: 4-5, 9-14, John 3:16
Key Figures: Jesus is Emmanuel, He is God who became a little baby so that He could save us from our sins. He is the light of the world that shines in the darkness.
Other: You can wrap this up nicely by turning out all the lights and letting the candles shine in the darkness. The Christ Candle is in the center because His coming is what Christmas is all about. He is the most precious gift at Christmas. If you are using the
"What God Wants For Christmas" tool, it moves easily into a Gospel presentation. What does God want for Christmas? He wants you! He wants to live in your heart, be your closest friend, and shine His light through you so others can know Him too!
Gifts: Christmas pajamas, a special doll, or keepsake item with the date on it.
Activities: We always have a Birthday Cake for Jesus on Christmas Eve with candles and singing. You can let the kids decorate it by themselves. Also, you may want to make your cake like this:
1st layer chocolate - our sin
2nd layer - red - the blood of Christ covers our sin
top layer - green - our growth in him
white icing - we are whiter than snow when His blood cleanse us
candles - He is the light of the world, and we shine for Him when He is in our hearts
Happy Advent!
Looking Forward,